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Cancellation policy

Last Updated: 17/03/2024

At Zaati.pk, we understand that there may be circumstances where you need to cancel an order. Please review our cancellation policy carefully before placing an order. By using our services, you agree to abide by the terms outlined in this policy.

1. User Cancellation

1.1. Users may cancel an order if the order has not yet been dispatched for delivery. Once the order is dispatched, it cannot be canceled.

1.2. To cancel an order, please contact our customer support team at sales@zaati.pk with your order number and request for cancellation.

1.3. If the order is eligible for cancellation, we will process the cancellation and issue a refund according to our refund policy.

2. Seller Obligations

2.1. Sellers on Zaati.pk are obligated to fulfill all orders placed by users promptly and efficiently.

2.2. Sellers are prohibited from canceling orders once they have been placed by users. Cancelling orders without valid reasons may result in penalties, including removal of the seller's shop from our store.

2.3. If a seller encounters any issues fulfilling an order, they must promptly notify Zaati.pk's support team to discuss potential solutions.

3. Cancellation Procedure

3.1. If a seller encounters an unavoidable circumstance that prevents them from fulfilling an order, they must contact Zaati.pk's support team immediately to discuss the situation and explore possible resolutions.

3.2. Zaati.pk reserves the right to cancel orders on behalf of sellers if necessary, due to circumstances such as product unavailability, seller non-compliance, or other valid reasons.

4. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our cancellation policy, please contact us at sales@zaati.pk. Our customer support team is available to assist you and ensure a smooth shopping experience on our platform.